Online Weight loss coaching and support

Looking for an Online weight loss coach?

Rediscover your leaner, confident and happy self with support from an online weight loss coach. Make weight loss enjoyable without feeling deprived so you don’t quit and you can stay consistent. Get off the diet cycle and start enjoying food again.

Is an online weight loss coach right for you?

How has dieting worked for you? I’m guessing that you’re considering online weight loss coaching because you’ve had a diet related disappointment in the past.

After all 20% of us are on a diet at any one time and dieting 4-5 times a year. Diets marketed as quick fixes mean that we aren’t surprised or disappointed when the diet comes to an end.

Of the diets designed for ‘long term’ lifestyle change, on average a dieter sticks around for 3 weeks, not even long enough to see significant progress.

Weight loss coaching helps to get you off this diet cycle by taking a skills based approach to nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. This approach even makes losing weight enjoyable and empowering.

Most diets fail... eventually

  • Long term support from a registered dietitian should work and typically dieters lose 5-10% of initial body weight in 6 months.*
  • However, after 4 years 83% of these people gain more weight than they had lost and 50% of those gained eleven pounds or more above their starting weight.*


Achieved my goal of ‘athlete’ body fat percentage. Dropped from 26% to 19% body fat.

Goal: Gained confidence for a beach holiday

Ashelle - Health Care Professional


Working with Nico is brilliant, learning new things and helping, guide and support!


Goal: Weight loss

Jo - Sales Professional


The most effective and life-changing health experience I’ve had.

With Nico’s help and guidance I’ve improved my mobility, lost weight, redefined my relationship with food and started making the right health and well-being choices. All without pain, or feeling deprived.

His techniques are simple, and it’s all stuff you know already – no special requirements, equipment or fads. Highly recommend.

Weight loss and health client

Naomi - Finance Professional


I have been working with Nico for the last few months.

Nico has managed to push me further than I would ever have done myself and I have found that what I thought were my limits definitely weren’t!

The workouts, cardio and resistance exercises have been very hard work but so rewarding.

Most importantly for me, with Nico’s support and motivation I have not only lost weight and centimeters but have kept it off!

Goal: Weight loss and health

Amy - Medical Professional

Naomi - Update 2021

There are times in your life when you need help, not because you’re weak or helpless, but because you just don’t quite know how to identify or tap your own strength.

I stumbled over Nico, online, at such a time in my life, two and a half years ago. I felt a need to take control, and googled ‘life coach’.

Nico’s details popped up and within minutes we were chatting online about what I needed and how he could help.

Over the course of the next 12 months I went from 16 stone to 11, signed up for, and regularly participated in, my local Parkrun, and learned some truly valuable life-hacks.

Nico taught me how to make good choices, adopt great habits, and how to make myself accountable to me.

18 months later, the weight is still off, and I catch myself recalling Nico’s advice and sharing it with friends and family - this was a truly life-changing experience for me.

If you’re ready to take control but need someone to show you the way, I wholeheartedly recommend Nico to you.

Naomi - Finance Professional

Jeremy Review

"I learnt a few things, not just about my relationship with food and exercise, but also about me as a person... I have no doubt, that more challenges lie ahead... I do however have a set of tools and a mindset which allows me to face those challenges in a way I would not have been able to do - this time last year - so thank you''

Jeremy, R.

Actor, Director, Teacher

Jeremy - Teacher, Director, Actor


I have been training with Nico to improve my general fitness… He designed me an online personal training program to follow and described in detail all of the exercises.

Working with Nico has been a great help, keeping me motivated and interested. Having used gym’s in the past, I have struggled to see changes, but with online personal training I have got results quickly – the results that I wanted.

With Nico’s help and support I believe I will reach my ultimate goal. Cheers Nico!

Goal: Lose weight and get fit.

William - Hospitality Industry

Peer Review

Nico is one of the best trainers I have worked with. He really cares about his clients success and builds great rapport with them, bringing fresh and original training methods that I have seen his clients really enjoy.

Marc - Manager and Master Trainer at Invictus Athletic Club


I was looking for fitness. Previously I would just run either on the treadmill or outside with no additional supportive training.

Nico has taught me the importance of other types of training to facilitate and enhance my performance.

The functional training sessions are extremely varied, enjoyable and motivational and I completed my first 10k race last weekend with a PB time and finished in the top 15%. Thanks Nico!

Goal: Fitness and motivation for sport

Tamsyn - Medical Professional


I had been halfheartedly exercising for the last few years until I discovered personal trainer Nico Valla.

Over the last few months he has given me the inspiration and motivation to get fit and eat and feel well. I absolutely love the sessions of high intensity interval training combined with weights exercises.

The exercise plans have massively built up my stamina as well as making me stronger and fitter again. it’s brilliant fun and he’s always great at getting you to give that little bit more.

His sport and nutrition knowledge is also excellent so he’s helped me with my diet too! If you need motivation I would highly recommend Nico!

Goal: Improved fitness and motivation.

Antonia - Medical Professional

Jeremy Lost 8.5kg (18.7lbs)

I have learnt that 'imperfect action' does work.

I've not put any pressure on myself, but have unconsciously and sometimes consciously applied some of whast you guided me through previously and I am proud that on the 1st of January 2021 I weighed in at 96.4kg and on the 1st of march, I weighed in at 87.9 kg.

I not only have I made progress, but in my eyes, good progress and it hasn't felt chore some or painful.

There's still a way to go, but I'm happy about this, and hopefully, you will recognise that you played a part in this achievement, so thank you.

Jeremy - Teacher, Director, Actor


One Habit Coaching was one of the best programmes I have been on.

The coach Nico went above and beyond throughout the whole time to support my lifestyle changes.

His approach was supportive and he regularly added in extra calls to help me when I was struggling … the programme was a sustainable lifestyle change, not just a quick fix diet. I would highly recommend to anyone.

Online Nutrition Coaching Client

Becki - Medical / Health Professional

Carwyn Lost 8.8lbs On The Challenge

Tell me about your background:

36, Shop Manager, father of two, moderate exercise.

What made you decide to work with a nutrition coach?

Keeping the weight off & wanting to gain some fitness.

What results have you achieved since starting the program?

Losing weight (8.8lbs/4kg) & gaining fitness.

What do you like best about working with a nutrition coach?

Ability to help if you get in a rut.

What would you say to someone who is sitting on the fence about joining the program?

Try it as I found it to work if you have determination.

Carwyn - Shop Manager


I have not had a single migraine since I started…

I am sleeping so much better and have found the wonders of the early morning tranquillity and it is amazing…

I never thought I would be able to run as I have done, and although I lacked self-confidence I have had the fab support knowledge and company of my PT… But without realising it I have achieved so much.

Goal: Weight loss, learn to run and train for 10k
Personal Training Client

Kat - Health Professional

Jan K

Tell us a little about your background

23, full time IT student, part time working in IT operations. I have “light” cerebral palsy and a sedatary lifestly with no previous exercises.

What made you decide to work with a nutrition coach?

I gained some weight back during the Covid gurantine times and decided I was looking for something more personal than an app. I was skeptical of an online approach, but open to it and I was really impressed by the initial call.

What results have you achieved since starting the program?

I have lost roughly 7% of my weight in the last 3 months, built quite a few new habits, imrpoved my overall relationship with food and increased my physical activiy. Overall I’d say that with Nico’s help I have taken more action in the last 3 months than the previous year or two.

What do you like best about working with a nutrition coach?

3 things:

The level of personalization,
the imperfect action philosophy (which gets suprisingly good results)
and how to the point everything is

What would you say to someone who is sitting on the fence about joining the program?

Get on a call with Nico. Going through this program can be on your schedule, but it still takes work to change your habits., so schedule your call and see if you are in the right spot, if you are, then absolutely go for it.

Jan K
Goal: lose weight and better relationship with food,
Men's Coaching Client

Jan - IT Professional


I started working with Nico due to a need to instill a more healthy and exercise regular routine to both lose weight, feel stronger.

The aim was to enable me to continue doing what I love at 50plus: skiing, regular running races with friends and family ...

The result has been great, through a thorough and progressive programme I have lost bad habits and gain a routine that has allowed me
to reach my weight target, feel fitter, and slot in exercise in my daily routine.

Nico was always available for support, advice and to adapt the routine as needed. What makes a difference is the holistic approach of combining healthy eating habits with exercise routines. As a result I now better understand and appreciate how to naturally appreciate how and when to eat (or not!).

I would highly recommend Nico to anyone needing to build a programme to achieve a target fitness level and wanting to better understand how to make this sustainable over time through changing a few but critical habits.

Thanks Nico!

Jerome - CEO


I have just achieved my goal, which was to complete my first triathlon! I felt really scared when I first entered it, but now I have much more confidence!

When I started training with Nico I could not swim a single length of the pool but now I can complete the whole swim easily! I used to feel that running was my weakest discipline but I have seen it improving. I can run further and faster than before, and on the bike, I can keep up with others – my cycling has improved massively!

Goal: Weight loss and first triathlon

Alison - HR Professional

Chris Emanuelle

Tell us a little about your background

I’m 46yrs old. Growing up doing Tae kwon Do I won every major tournament in the Junior Category Achieving Black belt 1st Dan at 10yr old and 2nd Dan aged 15. Now I am in my 24th year of owning a Hotel (B&B) business.

What made you decide to work with a nutrition coach?

Think my mind & body was bored with similar routines and pushing my body to the limit with an old head for knowledge.

What results have you achieved since starting the program?

I’ve lost 10lbs in just 3 weeks. It’s great to have new routines to look forward to.

What do you like best about working with a nutrition coach?

The structure is working great for me.

What would you say to someone who is sitting on the fence about joining the program?

Try it for sure and you will not be disappointed. Nico is a fantastic coach. Very knowledgeable and is always there for you.

Chris E
Goal: Regain lost fitness, lose stomach fat and get off diet shakes,
Men's Coaching Client

Chris - Business Owner


Managing diet around lifestyle and doing any exercise have always been the biggest problem for me.

Having bounced this around for the best part of 30 years and I truly was expecting this attempt at weight loss in time for my son’s wedding to be another flash in the pan and end up in the same place as all the previous attempts – FAILURE.

Considering how skeptical and to be honest suspicious I was at the beginning, it still surprises me that the coaching is definitely working for me.

I didn’t enjoy the process of trusting someone I had never met before with personal information about lifestyle, habits, and failures, I found it quite uncomfortable, I would consider this the hardest part for me.

One of the biggest benefits has been, understanding an awareness that I required a lifestyle change and accepting and committing to it, are two very different things, and it is not as painful and daunting as I expected.

I needed to accept that for someone as independent as me, I still couldn’t make it happen on my own, but actually that doesn’t make me a failure.

I know without the coaching I would have failed by now and gone through that miserable, hopeless cycle of failure again. I still have a long way to go, there are no quick fixes but at least this time I think I just might make it.

Weight loss and build a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

Karen - PA


l couldn’t have asked for a better coach. I didn’t realise at the time where l was going wrong but after chatting with my coach certain things are standing out. He has explained so much to me over the weeks and l have great confidence in him.

Weight loss and improved health goal

Sandra - Medical Professional

Dan Carr

Tell me about your background

47 year old active chap however I do have a habit for the sweet foods and have a job which requires either driving or sitting at a desk so my challenge has always been keeping the waistline to a minimum by exercising as much as possible

What made you decide to work with a nutrition coach? What problems were you facing and how did you feel before starting?

I have worked with Nico before on a 'one to one' basis when he was located in Bristol. I found his honest 'non ego led' approach very refreshing and he was willing to help anywhere he could including meeting me in the park at 6am throughout winter months to deliver training sessions.

That was a few years ago and I found earlier this year whilst I wasn't out of shape I was still carrying a little too much weight and after a cycling accident wanted some help with specific shoulder strength & weight loss.

What results have you achieved since starting the program?

I've lost a 7 kilos and have improved my upper body strength - those short term goals were achieved.

What do you like best about working with a nutrition coach?

Three meals a day was a game changer. Sounds easy - it wasn't allowed yourself to feel hungry is difficult working in an office with the constant tea & biscuits around the place.

My breakfast has improved. In fact I'm probably eating more fruit & veg now than I ever have! I also feel these things I need to be held accountable and sometimes the first step is just asking for help in areas I know nothing about.

What would you say to someone who is sitting on the fence about joining the program?

Be positive - take on board Nico's advice & you will see results!

If there is anything else you would like to add please do so here.
Im looking forward to next year and hoping for the best yet! maybe a tall order at 47 years old but why not?!

Men’s coaching client



Jenny, 37 year old professional working mum lost 17lbs* so far and has renewed motivation to achieve her significant weight loss goal.

Name: Jenny, 37 years old mother and accountant.

What made you decide to work with a nutrition coach?

I’d developed some bad nutrition habits and your ad sounded like a good fit.

What results have you achieved since starting the program?

Lost 9lbs on the first 8 weeks of the program followed by 7lbs in a month or so since, down a clothes size, and doing daily exercise.

What do you like best about working with a nutrition coach?

Nico had some great ideas of very easy to make changes with a big impact.

I love the habits, and in general liked the approach of only making changes that I’m confident I can keep up forever.

These new habits are really effective and have inspired me to plan to lose a significant amount of weight.

What would you say to someone who is sitting on the fence about joining the program?

The program can be as easy as you want it to be, and has the potential to be a real turning point in personal fitness.

Nico helped me identify a number of really quick wins to make big difference from making very small changes.

I’d say it was well worth it.

Is there is anything else you would like to add?

Thanks Nico! I’m pretty confident that I’m going to carry on with all the new habits and have a new target of 11stone (3st 13lbs off starting weight).

Women's Weight Loss Program Client,
Weight Loss Goal

Jenny - Finance Professional

Dan 2014

I’ve been working with Nico over the past few years & he’s helped me achieve goals towards half marathon times, qualification for London marathon 2015 by achieving a ‘good for age time’ in the 2014 Abbingdon marathon.

Also a major achievement based on my limited time to train was completing ironman lanzarote 2014 and most recently helping me achieve my highest finishing position in ‘the toughguy’ challenge.

His methods of training are ‘all about the quality & not necessary quantity, one 2 one workouts are always fun & a real challenge and designed to work the complete body.

For me personally nico has always been supportive, encouraging & very patient when things have not gone right during injury or illness and has always adapted workouts to suit.

Don’t be put off if you find him laughing during workouts he assures me he’s laughing ‘with you’ crawling around the floor not ‘at you’

Goal: Sports Performance, Weight loss
Personal training client

Dan - Business Owner

Who is online weight loss coaching for?

I can help you if you want to lose weight but you’re fed up of dieting.

Like so many people, you might have learned the hard way that diets don’t work. So isn’t it time you took a new approach? Online coaching for weight loss is more successful because we work together to maximise satisfaction and minimum discomfort so you can maintain your results.

If you ever ‘wish’ things were different then this is for you.

Even if you’ve been stuck for years and feel that you’ve tried everything, you’ll find that a skills based approach makes weight loss feel stress free, with maximum satisfaction and minimum discomfort associated with dieting. Eating consistently well will even become automatic so you can stay lean.

Ask: What would happen if you developed skills to eat consistently well?

Rather than yet another diet, nutrition skills enable you to lose weight and improve your health and confidence, and maintain your results.

Sustainable weight loss coaching

Have you ever failed at losing weight? Why is it that bright, capable and successful people, knowing that diets fail, after having experienced one diet after another and having experienced the failure, want more of the same?

Because society has told us over and over that the only way to get lean is to diet. You hear time and time again that diets work. You see the success stories. And then you infer that you must have done something wrong when you tried it. And so, you go from one diet to the next. The problem is not you!

Achieve and maintain  results

Diets focus on food which in itself can be stressful and challenging. Coaching is different because we’ll work on simple daily practices that’ll lead to weight loss, improved health and better performance without discomfort.

Knowing vs doing

Saying ‘I’ll just do it’ will not work, but tracking your habits does work – simply because you know you’re actually changing your habits.

Trying to change your habits does not result in weight loss. Practicing your habits does, and for this it is essential to hold yourself accountable and log them.

Outcome based coaching

Outcome based coaching means we’ll make decisions based on results. One simple question is all that matters – how’s that working for you? We can base decisions on the answer.

About your coach


I'm  Nico Valla

I’ll be coaching you every step of the way. As well as benefiting from personal support, you’ll be confidently following a proven coaching curriculum with access to lessons, tools and resources and habits.

Practising your skills gets results, and each skill can be scaled for your needs and you can work on the skills that you think matter to you.

Alongside personal support, you can access your lessons, coaching tools and resources on any device. You can track your habits, monitor your progress and feel well supported anywhere you have an internet connection.

Clients say they notice better health, more energy and more confidence

Working with an online weight loss coach can work for you. Here's how:

Stop worrying about food

Do you worry about food choices eating socially?
If you’ve ever been on a restrictive diet in the past, you’ll might have noticed social occasions made it hard to stick to.

And your diet probably came to an end eventually because it was too uncomfortable for you to maintain long term.

Eat consistently well

Are you experiencing periods of restriction followed by over eating? Turn to food when stressed, tired, worried?

It's not uncommon, and we are not born emotional eaters, and just as such we can relearn to separate emotion and hunger. Emotional eating can play a big part in sabotaging weight loss progress.

Take the first step and book a call. We'll take it from there.

Step 1. Book A Call

Use the form to book a call at a time that works for you, for a short introductory call. I'll call you promptly at the time to get to know you better, answer any questions you have, and provide you with all the information you need to see if we are a great fit. Book your call now.

Step 2. Face To Face Meeting (video call)

After our phone call we'll meet in person so I can to get to know you and learn about where you feel stuck, and where you need guidance. If I think I can help you, I will personally walk you through the comprehensive 7 step programme and show you how you can become part of the programme.

Step 3. Join The Programme

We'll work together to decide which level of support is right for you so that we can set you up for success from the very beginning. As soon as you join me, we'll the begin the enrollment process and begin the programme.

Get started

Book your initial call at a time that suits you



I have been working with Nico for the last few months.

Nico has managed to push me further than I would ever have done myself and I have found that what I thought were my limits definitely weren’t!

The workouts, cardio and resistance exercises have been very hard work but so rewarding.

Most importantly for me, with Nico’s support and motivation I have not only lost weight and centimeters but have kept it off!

Goal: Weight loss and health

Amy - Medical Professional


Jenny, 37 year old professional working mum lost 17lbs* so far and has renewed motivation to achieve her significant weight loss goal.

Name: Jenny, 37 years old mother and accountant.

What made you decide to work with a nutrition coach?

I’d developed some bad nutrition habits and your ad sounded like a good fit.

What results have you achieved since starting the program?

Lost 9lbs on the first 8 weeks of the program followed by 7lbs in a month or so since, down a clothes size, and doing daily exercise.

What do you like best about working with a nutrition coach?

Nico had some great ideas of very easy to make changes with a big impact.

I love the habits, and in general liked the approach of only making changes that I’m confident I can keep up forever.

These new habits are really effective and have inspired me to plan to lose a significant amount of weight.

What would you say to someone who is sitting on the fence about joining the program?

The program can be as easy as you want it to be, and has the potential to be a real turning point in personal fitness.

Nico helped me identify a number of really quick wins to make big difference from making very small changes.

I’d say it was well worth it.

Is there is anything else you would like to add?

Thanks Nico! I’m pretty confident that I’m going to carry on with all the new habits and have a new target of 11stone (3st 13lbs off starting weight).

Women's Weight Loss Program Client,
Weight Loss Goal

Jenny - Finance Professional


Working with Nico is brilliant, learning new things and helping, guide and support!


Goal: Weight loss

Jo - Sales Professional


l couldn’t have asked for a better coach. I didn’t realise at the time where l was going wrong but after chatting with my coach certain things are standing out. He has explained so much to me over the weeks and l have great confidence in him.

Weight loss and improved health goal

Sandra - Medical Professional


I had been halfheartedly exercising for the last few years until I discovered personal trainer Nico Valla.

Over the last few months he has given me the inspiration and motivation to get fit and eat and feel well. I absolutely love the sessions of high intensity interval training combined with weights exercises.

The exercise plans have massively built up my stamina as well as making me stronger and fitter again. it’s brilliant fun and he’s always great at getting you to give that little bit more.

His sport and nutrition knowledge is also excellent so he’s helped me with my diet too! If you need motivation I would highly recommend Nico!

Goal: Improved fitness and motivation.

Antonia - Medical Professional


Achieved my goal of ‘athlete’ body fat percentage. Dropped from 26% to 19% body fat.

Goal: Gained confidence for a beach holiday

Ashelle - Health Care Professional


I have not had a single migraine since I started…

I am sleeping so much better and have found the wonders of the early morning tranquillity and it is amazing…

I never thought I would be able to run as I have done, and although I lacked self-confidence I have had the fab support knowledge and company of my PT… But without realising it I have achieved so much.

Goal: Weight loss, learn to run and train for 10k
Personal Training Client

Kat - Health Professional

Naomi - Update 2021

There are times in your life when you need help, not because you’re weak or helpless, but because you just don’t quite know how to identify or tap your own strength.

I stumbled over Nico, online, at such a time in my life, two and a half years ago. I felt a need to take control, and googled ‘life coach’.

Nico’s details popped up and within minutes we were chatting online about what I needed and how he could help.

Over the course of the next 12 months I went from 16 stone to 11, signed up for, and regularly participated in, my local Parkrun, and learned some truly valuable life-hacks.

Nico taught me how to make good choices, adopt great habits, and how to make myself accountable to me.

18 months later, the weight is still off, and I catch myself recalling Nico’s advice and sharing it with friends and family - this was a truly life-changing experience for me.

If you’re ready to take control but need someone to show you the way, I wholeheartedly recommend Nico to you.

Naomi - Finance Professional


I have just achieved my goal, which was to complete my first triathlon! I felt really scared when I first entered it, but now I have much more confidence!

When I started training with Nico I could not swim a single length of the pool but now I can complete the whole swim easily! I used to feel that running was my weakest discipline but I have seen it improving. I can run further and faster than before, and on the bike, I can keep up with others – my cycling has improved massively!

Goal: Weight loss and first triathlon

Alison - HR Professional


One Habit Coaching was one of the best programmes I have been on.

The coach Nico went above and beyond throughout the whole time to support my lifestyle changes.

His approach was supportive and he regularly added in extra calls to help me when I was struggling … the programme was a sustainable lifestyle change, not just a quick fix diet. I would highly recommend to anyone.

Online Nutrition Coaching Client

Becki - Medical / Health Professional


Managing diet around lifestyle and doing any exercise have always been the biggest problem for me.

Having bounced this around for the best part of 30 years and I truly was expecting this attempt at weight loss in time for my son’s wedding to be another flash in the pan and end up in the same place as all the previous attempts – FAILURE.

Considering how skeptical and to be honest suspicious I was at the beginning, it still surprises me that the coaching is definitely working for me.

I didn’t enjoy the process of trusting someone I had never met before with personal information about lifestyle, habits, and failures, I found it quite uncomfortable, I would consider this the hardest part for me.

One of the biggest benefits has been, understanding an awareness that I required a lifestyle change and accepting and committing to it, are two very different things, and it is not as painful and daunting as I expected.

I needed to accept that for someone as independent as me, I still couldn’t make it happen on my own, but actually that doesn’t make me a failure.

I know without the coaching I would have failed by now and gone through that miserable, hopeless cycle of failure again. I still have a long way to go, there are no quick fixes but at least this time I think I just might make it.

Weight loss and build a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

Karen - PA


The most effective and life-changing health experience I’ve had.

With Nico’s help and guidance I’ve improved my mobility, lost weight, redefined my relationship with food and started making the right health and well-being choices. All without pain, or feeling deprived.

His techniques are simple, and it’s all stuff you know already – no special requirements, equipment or fads. Highly recommend.

Weight loss and health client

Naomi - Finance Professional


I was looking for fitness. Previously I would just run either on the treadmill or outside with no additional supportive training.

Nico has taught me the importance of other types of training to facilitate and enhance my performance.

The functional training sessions are extremely varied, enjoyable and motivational and I completed my first 10k race last weekend with a PB time and finished in the top 15%. Thanks Nico!

Goal: Fitness and motivation for sport

Tamsyn - Medical Professional